
WTP platform server


As seen above, there appear to be two JBoss categories. The first is contributed by WTP, and is a generic adapter that is not upkept very well. For this reason, JBoss Tools provides updated and supported adapters of our own. There is one for each of JBoss 3.2, 4.0, and 4.2. You'll also note a deploy-only runtime type. This type provides no classpath for WTP projects. It is used solely by it's server type for the purpose of setting up a deploy directory for users who don't wish to make use of starting, stopping, or debugging their projects inside eclipse.


As shown above, all you need to do to create the runtime is to name it, browse to it's install directory, select a Java Runtime Environment, and select which configuration you want. As you browse to a valid installation folder, the list of configurations will update allowing you to select the configuration of your choice.




WTP Projects


3.1. Description

WTP provides what are called "faceted" projects. Their most popular of these projects are their J2EE projects, such as their Dynamic Web Project, their EJB Project, or their EAR project. Web projects of JBoss Tools are Stuts, JSF and Seam projects.

The idea behind faceted projects is that each project can accept units of functionality, or facets, which can be added or removed by the user. Some examples of these facets are adding a webdoclet facet to a web project, or an ejbdoclet to an EJB Project.

Most often, these "facets" either add to the project's classpath, enable a builder, or watch the project in some other fashion.

WTP projects have undergone some criticism as being over-engineered or too restrictive in their design. WTP projects are set up in a tree-relationship to each other, where one project can be a child of another. For example, an EAR project may have a Web Project child, an EJB project child, or other types.

The benefit of this is that the structure of your projects is then known, and packaging it up *should* be trivial. However, if your project is non-standard, or you feel too confined by such rigid structural requirements, you can still choose to package your project using the Archives plugin.







    WTP(Web Tools Platform )

    WTP(Web Tools Platform )项目在eclipse平台上进行扩展,是一个开发J2EE Web应用程序的工具集。WTP由两个子项目 构成:WST(Web标准工具集) 与JST(J2EE标准工具集),包含以下工具: * 一个源码编辑器可以用来编辑HTML...

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    3. 因公司外网 Server 有严格控制,除 doc, xls 等文件都无法下载,所以将文件的后缀名改为了 .doc, 大家下载后将文件改为 .fss 即可 4. eclipse wtp plugs 0 是文件分割工具自动生成的,记录了文件的分割信息,将...

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    3. 因公司外网 Server 有严格控制,除 doc, xls 等文件都无法下载,所以将文件的后缀名改为了 .doc, 大家下载后将文件改为 .fss 即可 4. eclipse wtp plugs 0 是文件分割工具自动生成的,记录了文件的分割信息,将...



    eclipse wtp plugs 4

    3. 因公司外网 Server 有严格控制,除 doc, xls 等文件都无法下载,所以将文件的后缀名改为了 .doc, 大家下载后将文件改为 .fss 即可 4. eclipse wtp plugs 0 是文件分割工具自动生成的,记录了文件的分割信息,将...

    eclipse wtp plugs 0

    3. 因公司外网 Server 有严格控制,除 doc, xls 等文件都无法下载,所以将文件的后缀名改为了 .doc, 大家下载后将文件改为 .fss 即可 4. eclipse wtp plugs 0 是文件分割工具自动生成的,记录了文件的分割信息,将...

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    3. 因公司外网 Server 有严格控制,除 doc, xls 等文件都无法下载,所以将文件的后缀名改为了 .doc, 大家下载后将文件改为 .fss 即可 4. eclipse wtp plugs 0 是文件分割工具自动生成的,记录了文件的分割信息,将...

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    3. 因公司外网 Server 有严格控制,除 doc, xls 等文件都无法下载,所以将文件的后缀名改为了 .doc, 大家下载后将文件改为 .fss 即可 4. eclipse wtp plugs 0 是文件分割工具自动生成的,记录了文件的分割信息,将...


    This is WTP presentation.




    在Eclipse环境下,基于WTP插件,开发JSP应用程序 内容还是比较详尽的,以图示的方式介绍了安装过程,最后还举了一个非常简单的例子作为示例

    Eclipse 3.3配置WTP插件

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    wtp1.5.x +eclipse3.2.x的中文语言包


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